“Please provide the container availability for the next week.” 请提供下周的集装箱可用性。
“The cargo has been loaded onto the vessel and is ready for shipment.” 货物已装载到船只上,准备运送。
“We need to update the Bill of Lading with the correct shipping marks.” 我们需要更新提单上的正确的航运标记。
“Has the shipment passed customs clearance yet?” 货物通关了吗?
“What are the latest Incoterms we should be using for this transaction?” 我们这次交易应该使用哪些最新的国际贸易术语?
“Ensure that the goods are properly packed to withstand long ocean voyages.” 确保货物妥善包装,以承受长途海运。
“We require refrigerated containers for perishable items.” 我们需要冷藏箱来运输易腐物品。
“Please confirm if there are any hazardous materials in the shipment.” 请确认货物中是否包含危险品。
“Arrange for insurance coverage for the entire value of the consignment.” 为整个货物的价值安排保险。