询价: “Could you please provide me with a quotation for the shipment from Shanghai to Los Angeles?” (请问能给我一个关于从上海到洛杉矶的运费报价吗?)
报价: “Thank you for your inquiry. Please find attached our quotation for the requested shipment.” (感谢您的询问。请查收附件中我们针对您所需运输的报价。)
订舱请求: “We would like to book a container for our cargo going from Shenzhen to Hamburg on May 15th.”
确认订舱: “Your booking for one 20-foot container has been confirmed for the mentioned dates.” (您的一个20英尺集装箱预订已确认在所述日期。)
查询状态: “Could you provide an update on the current status of our shipment number XYZ123?” (请问能提供一下我们的货物运输编号XYZ123的最新状态吗?)
更新信息: “The vessel carrying your cargo is currently passing through the Suez Canal and is on schedule.” (承运您货物的船只目前正在通过苏伊士运河,并按计划进行。)
报告问题: “We have encountered a customs clearance issue with our recent shipment. Could you assist us with this matter?” (我们在最近的货物运输中遇到了清关问题。请问您能帮助我们解决这个问题吗?)
提供解决方案: “To resolve the customs issue, we suggest submitting the following documents…” (为了解决清关问题,我们建议提交以下文件……)
请求发票: “Could you send us the final invoice for the completed shipment?” (请问能给我们发送已完成运输的最终发票吗?)
提醒付款: “A reminder that payment for the invoice number ABC456 is due by the end of the month.” (提醒您,ABC456号发票的款项需在本月底前支付。)