
火达物流 2024-10-28 03:52 27次阅读


要明确“海运费询价”的英文表达是“sea freight rate inquiry”。这个短语直截了当地表达了对海运费用的询问。在实际沟通中,可以根据具体需求进一步细化,比如:

  1. 基本询价
  • Could you please provide a quote for the sea freight from [出发地] to [目的地]?
  • What is the current sea freight rate for transporting [货物类型] from [出发地] to [目的地]? 了解海运费询价的英文表达
  1. 包含其他服务的询价
  • Can you give me a detailed quote for the sea freight including customs clearance and port charges from [出发地] to [目的地]?
  • I would like to know the all-inclusive cost of shipping [货物类型] via sea, which includes insurance and terminal handling fees from [出发地] to [目的地].
  1. 询问特定船公司的费率
  • Could you check the sea freight rates with [特定船公司] for my shipment from [出发地] to [目的地]?
  • What are the rates charged by [特定船公司] for ocean freight to [目的地]?
  1. 时间敏感的询价
  • What would be the expedited sea freight rates for a shipment from [出发地] to [目的地] that needs to arrive within [具体天数] days?
  • How much extra does it cost to have the goods delivered urgently by sea from [出发地] to [目的地]?




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