
火达物流 2024-10-15 18:22 0次阅读

在全球化贸易中,货代(Freight Forwarder)扮演着至关重要的角色。他们不仅负责货物的运输安排,还需要与全球各地的客户、供应商和物流服务提供商进行沟通。因此,掌握一些常用的英语口语句子对于货代人员来说是非常必要的。以下是一些在货运代理业务中常用的英语口语句子:

  1. 询问货物信息:
  • “Can you provide me with the details of the shipment?” (您能提供一下货物的详细信息吗?)
  • “What are the dimensions and weight of the cargo?” (货物的尺寸和重量是多少?)
  1. 确认运输细节:
  • “Could you confirm the pick-up and delivery dates for me?” (您能确认一下提货和交货的日期吗?)
  • “What mode of transport do we use, sea or air?” (我们使用什么运输方式,海运还是空运?) 货代常用英语口语句子
  1. 讨论运费和成本:
  • “Let’s discuss the freight charges.” (让我们讨论一下运费。)
  • “Are there any additional costs that we should be aware of?” (我们应该了解有哪些额外的费用吗?)
  1. 处理文档和程序:
  • “Do we have all the necessary documents in order?” (我们有所有的必要文件都准备好了吗?)
  • “Please ensure the shipping documents are accurate and complete.” (请确保装运单据准确无误且完整。)
  1. 跟进货物状态:
  • “How can I track the shipment?” (我如何追踪货物?)
  • “When will the goods arrive at the destination port?” (货物何时会到达目的港?)
  1. 处理问题和延误:
  • “There seems to be a delay with our shipment. Can you look into it for me?” (我们的货物似乎有延误,您能帮我查一下吗?)
  • “We need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.” (我们需要尽快解决这个问题。)
  1. 结束交流:
  • “Thank you for your assistance. We look forward to working with you again.” (感谢您的帮助,我们期待再次与您合作。)
  • “If there are no further questions, let’s finalize the arrangements.” (如果没有其他问题,让我们敲定这些安排吧。)



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