
火达物流 2024-10-19 16:53 0次阅读


1. Port of Loading (POL) - 装货港

“Port of Loading”(简称 POL)指的是货物开始装船的港口。例如:”The goods will be shipped from the Port of Shanghai, which serves as the Port of Loading for this consignment.”

2. Port of Discharge (POD) - 卸货港

“Port of Discharge”(简称 POD)是指货物从船上卸下的港口。例如:”Our shipment is expected to arrive at the Port of Los Angeles, serving as the Port of Discharge for this transaction.”

3. Container Yard (CY) - 集装箱堆场


“Container Yard”(简称 CY)是存放集装箱的地方,通常位于港口附近。例如:”Please ensure that the containers are moved to the designated Container Yard immediately after unloading.”

4. Booking - 订舱

订舱是货代公司为货物运输预订船舱的行为。例如:”We have successfully booked the necessary space on the vessel for our client’s cargo.”

5. Custom Clearance - 清关

清关是指完成海关手续,以便货物能够进出国境。例如:”Our team is experienced in handling custom clearance procedures efficiently and effectively.”

6. Bill of Lading (B/L) - 提单

提单是一种重要的运输文档,证明货物已经装载到船舶上。例如:”Please present the original Bill of Lading to collect your cargo at the destination port.”

7. Freight Forwarder - 货运代理

货运代理是协助安排货物运输的专业机构。例如:”As a freight forwarder, we handle all aspects of logistics, from booking to delivery.”

8. Shipping Line - 航运公司

航运公司是提供海上运输服务的公司。例如:”This shipping line offers regular services to major ports around the world.”



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