
火达物流 2024-10-15 06:19 0次阅读


1. 询价与报价

  • Can you give me an offer for this product?(你能给我报一下这个产品的价格吗?)
  • What’s the unit price of this item?(这个产品的单价是多少?)
  • Could you provide a quotation for these goods?(你能为这些货物提供一个报价吗?)

2. 讨论运输方式


  • Which shipping method do you prefer, sea freight or air freight?(你更喜欢哪种运输方式,海运还是空运?)
  • What’s the estimated delivery time by sea?(海运的预计交货时间是多久?)
  • Are there any specific requirements for the packaging?(包装有什么特殊要求吗?)

3. 讨论合同条款

  • Do you have a standard contract template for this type of transaction?(你有这种交易类型的标准合同模板吗?)
  • What are the payment terms you usually offer?(你们通常提供什么样的付款条款?)
  • Is it possible to adjust the lead time?(可以调整交货时间吗?)

4. 售后服务

  • How can we handle the after-sales service if there is any issue with the products?(如果产品有任何问题,我们该如何处理售后服务?)
  • What’s your policy on returns and exchanges?(你们的退换货政策是什么?)
  • Can you provide us with some spare parts in case we need them in the future?(你们能为我们提供一些备件以备将来需要吗?)

5. 建立关系

  • It was nice meeting you at the trade show last week. Would you like to discuss potential business opportunities?(上周在贸易展览会上见到您很高兴。您想讨论潜在的商业机会吗?)
  • We highly value our partnership and look forward to continuing our cooperation.(我们非常重视我们的合作关系,并期待继续合作。)
  • If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime.(如果您有任何进一步的问题或疑虑,请随时联系我。)


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