
火达物流 2024-10-22 20:38 1次阅读


  1. 询价与报价:
  • “您能告诉我您需要运输的货物是什么吗?”(Could you tell me what kind of goods you need to transport?)
  • “请问您对这批货物的预计发货日期是什么时候?”(When do you expect to ship this batch of goods?)
  • “根据您的需求,我给您报个价。”(Based on your needs, let me give you a quotation.)
  1. 货物运输方式的选择: 货代销售中常用的口语表达
  • “您可以选择海运、空运或者陆运,您倾向于哪一种?”(You can choose sea, air or land transportation. Which one do you prefer?)
  • “对于这批货物,我认为空运会更快一些。”(For this batch of goods, I think air freight would be faster.)
  1. 货物运输时间:
  • “从上海到洛杉矶,海运大约需要20天。”(It takes about 20 days to ship from Shanghai to Los Angeles by sea.)
  • “如果您选择空运,货物将在5天内到达。”(If you choose air freight, the goods will arrive in 5 days.)
  1. 货物保险:
  • “您是否需要为这批货物购买保险?”(Do you need to purchase insurance for this batch of goods?)
  • “我们有提供各种保险方案,可以根据您的需求来选择。”(We offer various insurance plans that you can choose based on your needs.)
  1. 支付方式:
  • “您更倾向于哪种支付方式,信用证还是电汇?”(Which payment method do you prefer, letter of credit or telegraphic transfer?)
  • “一旦您完成支付,我们将立即开始处理您的订单。”(Once you complete the payment, we will immediately start processing your order.)
  1. 售后服务:
  • “如果货物在运输过程中出现任何问题,请随时与我们联系。”(If there are any issues with the goods during transportation, please feel free to contact us.)
  • “我们承诺为您提供最优质的售后服务。”(We promise to provide you with the best after-sales service.)



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